(set #text_where "Where do you wish to install TaskiSMS. A directory called 'TaskiSMS' will be created if one is not there. If a copy of TaskiSMS is found it will be backed up.")
(if (NOT (askbool (prompt "\nInstaller found TaskiSMS v2.5+ installed on your disk.\n\nDo you want to backup older version to TaskiSMS_old directory (click Backup) or update existing version with new files (click Update) ?") (help "") (choices "Update" "Backup")))
(set toolbar (askchoice (choices "MagicWB style by Andreas Kürzinger" "NewIcon style by Blase" "NewIcon style by Marc Savart" "Glowicon style by OliverTacke" "YAM style by Roman Patzner")